10 Nephrology Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAMed) Resources

Dear Nephrology Fellows,

Since it’s July, we wanted to share 10 free open access medical education (FOAMed) resources that we think will enhance your fellowship experience as both a learner and educator. We encourage you to visit and share these tools early and often!

If there are other #FOAMed resources that you have used, please share them with us in the comments.

Samira Farouk & Sam Kant, Renal Fellow Network Co-Editors

1. NephJC is an online Twitter based journal club which regularly has nephrologists, residents, fellows, cardiologists, internists, urologists, radiologists, pharmacologists, and patients contribute to the discussion. Check out the website for article summaries, visual abstracts, and more. To participate in the chats, open a Twitter account, login to Tweetdeck, and follow the hashtag #NephJC during the chat times. (@NephJC)

Freely Filtered NephJC Podcast: Twice a month, listen to a recap of the latest NephJC discussion and a deep dive into the article and topic. (@NephJC_Podcast)

2. GlomCon: a project with the goal to create enabling platforms for clinicians and scientists to exchange ideas, participate in online conferences, and collaborate on basic science and clinical research projects. (@GlomCon)

3. NephroPOCUS: a comprehensive resource for point of care ultrasound in nephrology (@NephroP)

4. Neph Sim: a mobile-friendly teaching tool that can be used to learn or teach how to establish a differential diagnosis, understand pathophysiology, and review urinalysis, ultrasound, kidney pathology, vascular access, kidney transplantation, acid-base physiology, electrolyte disturbances, and more. (@Neph_Sim)

5. WashU Nephrology Web Episodes: monthly videos that cover a wide variety of topics including pathology, history, short takes on physiology. Follow the YouTube channel for updates on new videos (@Maximal_Change)

6. Landmark Nephrology: a website covering important landmark articles in the field of nephrology. Look out for monthly posts on Renal Fellow Network. (@Landmark_Neph)

7. Nephron Power is an academic blog that covers a wide range of nephrology-related topics. (@kdjhaveri)

8. AJKD Blog: Official blog of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases and hosts a wide variety of educational material including the yearly NephMadness. (@AJKDOnline)

9. Pencasts: A collection of pencasts covering various topics in nephrology. (@John_K_Roberts)

10. UKidney is a provider of educational tools for the study and practice of nephrology, hypertension management, and kidney transplantation. This site features essential educational contributions from major opinion leaders in nephrology. (@drjjw, @UKidney)

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