Conall O' Seaghdha
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Conall O' Seaghdha

Mercury rising

A patient who had been working in a recycling company that handled thermometers presented with fever, dry cough, fatigue and rash. Based on imaging (CXR showed massive radio-opaque material in the lungs, right atrium and right ventricle; skeletal…

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Origins of Renal Physiology Course

We’ve posted several times about the ‘Origins of Renal Physiology’ held in the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory every year. Fellows who have taken the course over the past 5 years have consistently raved about it, with many describing it as transformative in…

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Renal Fellow Network at ASN

I expect many of you are heading to Kidney Week this year, so we’re planning a Renal Fellow Network social night from about 8pm on Friday November 11th in McGillin’s Olde Ale House, 1310 Drury Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. All…

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When Pressed to Check the Pressure

Estimating a patient’s intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) can be a challenge when the patient is not in an ICU setting and abdominal compartment syndrome or intra-abdominal hypertension are suspected.  Here is a quick method for estimating IAP. This is…

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Free PD Calculator App

Here is a handy free PD calculator for your phone that I came across today. It includes an Access Care and Complications Manual that covers the management of PD catheters and infectious peritonitis, a PD Prescription Guide with PD Prescription…

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From the RFN Archives: Drug-Induced ANCA

A subset of patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis have drug-induced ANCA disease. There are a few features of drug-induced ANCA disease which set it apart from “idiopathic” ANCA disease, but overall the clinical symptoms are similar. Drug-induced ANCA almost always involves…

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MPGN: Think Different

In the week that Steve Jobs stepped down as CEO of Apple, it seems appropriate to tip our cap to that guru of simplicity, and take a stripped down, simplified approach to one of the biggest quagmires in…

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Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease

Although the term Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease (PTLD) encompasses all lymphoproliferative disorders post transplant, it generally refers to extra-nodal B-cell lymphomas due to Ebstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. PTLD is a B-cell disease caused by iatrogenic T-cell dysfunction: in people…

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