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acute tubular necrosis

Image of the Month – Pathology

A 60 year-old woman with a longstanding history of hypertension, scleroderma and MGUS presented to the emergency room with diarrhea, vomiting and AKI (creatinine increased from baseline of 1.5mg/dl to 3.1mg/dl). She had a distant history of membranous…

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Ischemia-Reperfusion Models

The study of AKI/ATN has relied heavily on one particular animal model: the warm ischemia-reflow model (often referred to as “ischemia-reperfusion injury”), in which one of the renal arteries is transiently ligated off for a set period of…

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Aminoglycoside Toxicity

The aminoglycosides are amongst the most well-known nephrotoxic drugs. Yet due to their efficacy against many organisms, they are amongst the most common antibiotics used. The next time your nephrology service goes toe-to-toe with the infectious disease service…

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There’s No “N” in ATN

Just like there’s no “I” in team…there’s no “N” in ATN.   I heard this expression at our Renal Grand Rounds today featuring pathologist Isaac Stillman at nearby Beth Israel Hospital.  It’s not completely accurate, as in many…

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Do Kidney Stem Cells Exist?

Hot topic of research: do kidney stem cells kidney exist? Stem cells are defined as a subpopulation of cells which retain the ability of self-renewal and differentiation into a specialized cell type. Stem cells specific to many tissue…

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‘Shrooms and Renal Failure

While toxic mushroom ingestions are generally known for their ability to cause acute liver failure, certain varieties of mushrooms can also result in acute renal failure. One such type of mushroom is Amanita smithiana, (shown at left) which…

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cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury

At the Brigham and Women’s Hospital & the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, there is an ongoing trial of using pneumonectomy and injected, heated cisplatin into the pleural space for patients with malignant mesothelioma, a condition with an overall…

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