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anemia of chronic kidney disease

Hypoxia Inducible Factor and Anemia.

Several new therapies to treat anemia in patients with CKD and ESRD have recently been launched that will likely expand the treatment options. For the last few weeks I have been hearing frequently about Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIFs)…

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Does she drink tea?

I was quickly moving along through my busy university clinic, seeing another CKD patient when the nurse came to inform me that the patient’s hemoglobin was critically low at 5 g/dl, while the patient appeared to be just…

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Hemoglobin Targets in CKD

For anyone who would like to read a thorough review of the current evidence with regard to Hb targets and the use of ESAs in  patients with CKD and those on dialysis, I strongly recommend the review published…

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Epo: The honeymoon is not over

Having just returned from my own honeymoon, I was taken by this recent hypothesis-piece by Fishbane et al. They have made some observations on the natural history of untreated renal anemia from examining the placebo arm of the…

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The TREAT trial was one of the bigger stories to emerge from this years ASN. This was a large, multicenter trial of darbepoeitin (Aranesp) vs. placebo in 4000 predialysis CKD patients with type 2 diabetes and anemia. The…

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