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Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis

A recent renal consult I encountered was a Cantonese gentleman with a classical symptomatic history for Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis (HPP). He presented with a serum K of 1.4 mmol/l and profound weakness. Initially beginning in his teenage years,…

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Hypothermia Protocol and Dialysis

I recently received an inpatient consultation to see a CKD 5D patient. The reason for consult, as is mostly the case with dialysis patients was that he “needs hemodialysis”. This dialysis patient wasn’t the average bear though. He…

5858 6

Diabetic Nephropathy, or not?

A man in his 30s with a history of type 1 DM and chronic hypokalemia was referred to the renal clinic for investigation of CKD. His creatinine was 1.8g mg/dl.  His DM was well controlled without any evidence…

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