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Lisa Cohen

PPI-Associated Hypomagnesemia

At renal grand rounds today, we heard about a case of severe hypomagnesemia in a patient who was on chronic omeprazole therapy. While the etiology of the low Mg2+ was likely multifactorial, I was surprised to find out…

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Primer on Posterior Urethral Valves

As usually happens when the renal fellows help with the medical student nephrology block, I found myself confronted last week with questions I couldn’t answer. One involved the pathophysiology of posterior urethral valves (PUV), which came up in…

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Do hibernating bears urinate?

And now for a discussion of a burning nephrology question: what happens to a bear’s renal function when it goes into hibernation? (Thank my brother for raising the question while he was a medical student.) The simple answer…

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Genetic causes of hypertension

And now for some board review tidbits! Below are some genetic causes of hypertension attributable to specific gene mutations. Glucocorticoid-remediable hyperaldosteronism (GRE)- Autosomal dominant condition caused by uneven crossing over on chromosome 8. A chimeric protein is created…

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Are all thiazides created equal?

At the Brigham Renal Board Review course (review of board prep options) a few weeks ago, Dr Burton Rose argued that for all of us who use thiazide diuretics (review of thiazides) to treat mild hypertension, chlorthalidone should…

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