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A great combination

Since the retraction of the COOPERATE trial by the Lancet late last year (following Regina Kunz’s famous ‘letter of concern’), combination RAAS blockade has suffered something of a fall from grace. This was dealt a second blow by…

1263 2

Interferon effects on the kidney

Interferons are cytokines which play a central role in the inflammatory response, and commercially prepared interferons have proven useful in the treatment of several diseases. For instance, interferon-alpha (often used in conjunction with ribavirin) is often used in…

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Transplant Glomerulopathy

As acute rejection rates continue to fall, causes of late allograft loss, such as transplant glomerulopathy (TG), become increasingly important. TG should spring to mind when you encounter a renal transplant recipient who develops heavy proteinuria and progressive…

1709 1
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