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tubulointerstial disease

What are you smoking?

I recently saw an interesting case series published in CJASN where they reported four cases of oliguric AKI  associated with synthetic cannabinoids use. Renal biopsy revealed acute tubular injury in three of them and calcium oxalate crystals  in…

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Bad Odor

Cystinosis is an autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in CTNS, which encodes the lysosomal transporter of cystine. This leads to intracellular cystine accumulation which leads to renal, neurological and cardiac damage. The treatment for this condition…

1418 0


Cystinosis is an autosomal recessive disease caused by a mutation in CTNS, which encodes the lysosomal transporter of cystine. Without this, cystine gradually accumulates in cells causing progressive damage. The commonest kind is “nephropathic cystinosis” which is the…

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Tubulointerstitial disease

ANATOMYThe tubulointerstial tissue is composed of cortex and medulla. The cortex has type 1 cells resembling fibroblasts and produces Epo. Type 2 cells in the cortex resemble dendritic cells capable of Ag presentation. Furthermore the cortex contains types…

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