Browsing tag

genetics of kidney disease

Alport Syndrome

I recently saw a patient in clinic with long-standing hematuria with numerous family members on her mother’s side with hematuria.  She now presented with proteinuria but stable renal function.  Collagen IVa disease was highly suspected and genetic sequencing…

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Precision Nephrology

One of our attendings, Dr. Sylvia Betcher, PhD, MD gave an excellent presentation at our renal conference about genetic testing in renal diseases that she learned about at #KidneyWeek2015. There were so many good things I liked about…

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Lessons from the Akita mouse

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a major cause of ESRD worldwide. While many attempts have been made to develop reliable animal models that mimic human disease—ob/ob, db/db obese diabetes type 2 diabetes models, NOD1 mice, streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes model…

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