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kidney biopsy

Page Kidney

Patient with a history of kidney transplant s/p biopsy 2 weeks prior now undergoing chemotherapy treatment for leukemia develops acute abdominal pain, worsening renal function and hypertension. Renal US followed by CT are shown below: Renal US with…

3045 1

eJournal Club – Kidney Biopsies

This month’s eJournal Club concerns a paper (with an accompanying editorial) reporting the experience of renal biopsies in Norway. One issue that arises again and again is whether or not patients should undergo outpatient biopsies. The argument against…

1077 1

To biopsy or not to biopsy

Diabetes is a common cause of CKD and the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy is increasing. A question that sometimes arises in the clinic is when it is appropriate to biopsy a patient with a presumptive diagnosis of diabetic…

1953 1
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