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The Uncertainty of Monoclonal Gammopathies

I spend a lot of time discussing patients with renal disease and monoclonal gammopathies with my haematology colleagues, trying to figure out what is of ‘renal significance’ and ‘undetermined significance’. One of those discussions recently was around a…

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Another Great Masquerader: Amyloidosis

A middle-aged man with a history of microcytic anemia, well-controlled diabetes mellitus (DM)/hypertension (for 15 years), and a 16 month history of diarrhea with a 30-pound weight loss, and a creatinine of 1.9 mg/dL. Laboratory tests showed a…

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Panda Eyes

I recently saw an elderly woman in clinic. She had a background history of migraine headaches and had been investigated over the past 18 months for recurrent syncopal episodes. She had at least 5 episodes that began with…

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Treatment of secondary amyloid

Recently I’ve been dealing with an unfortunate individual with a long history of RA who has developed nephrotic range proteinuria after being stable for many years. Despite the deteriorating renal function, NSAIDs have been continued because without them…

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Too much protein

An internal medicine resident was presenting a consult to our team on a patient with nephrotic-range proteinuria. During his presentation, he stated that he had already ruled out amyloidosis because the patient had a negative SPEP and UPEP…

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The organization is key

There are a number of glomerulopathies that feature organized deposits of nonbranching fibrils, some more common than others. The diseases make their first major separation into Congo Red positive (amyloid) and Congo Red negative categories. Amyloid fibrils are…

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