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The perils of Gabapentin

One of the things that I always highlight when teaching fellows and residents is the importance of appropriate drug dosing for patients on dialysis and one of the drugs that is most often inappropriately dosed in my experience…

Azathioprine Toxicity

Azathioprine is one of the oldest immunosuppressant medications, which has been used in the field of solid organ transplantation over the past 5 decades. It is metabolized into its inactive forms by the enzyme thiopurine methyltransferease (TPMT). Genetic…

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Cidofovir nephrotoxicity and Probenecid

I recently saw an interesting case. A woman was being treated with cidofovir for adenovirus which was presumed to be responsible for an acute cardiomyopathy. Concurrent with cidofovir, she was also receiving probenecid for renoprotection, which I was…

Spironolactone Revisited

As a renal fellow, I have found myself reaching for spironolactone more and more. It is very helpful when treating the patient with resistant hypertension, but it continues to be under-utilized. Aside from the renal-centric effects of aldosterone,…

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