Welcome to the 36th case of the Skeleton Key Group, a team of nephrologists from around the world who build a periodic education package for the Renal Fellow Network. Author: Matan Khanian MD A. Stem A 79-year-old man…
Register here (Trainees: $25) Date & Location:Friday, September 27th (7:45A – 4P) Goldwurm Auditorium. Icahn Medical Institute, 1425 Madison Avenue at East 98th Street New York, NY 10029 Course Overview This is a 1-day in-person only conference on…
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories will be hosting the National Course for Nephrology Fellows. When: August 24– 31, 2024Location: MDI Biological Laboratory (travel information)For: Nephrology Fellows Applications close on June 6, 2024. The course is supported by the…
Please see below re: available medical student/resident travel grants to attend the American Transplant Congress (up to $1000) June 1-5 in Philadelphia, PA. The deadline is March 11th. The application can be submitted here. “The American Transplant Congress (ATC) is the…
Applications are now open for the 2024 NephSIM Nephrons/National Kidney Foundation Program, a 6-month virtual mentoring and education program for medical students and residents interested in learning more about nephrology & careers in nephrology. The 2024 program curriculum is available here and additional program details are below. Applications are…
Register here (Trainees: $25 in person, FREE for virtual attendance) Date & Location:Friday, September 29th (7:45A – 4P) Hybrid: Virtual + Goldwurm Auditorium (Icahn Medical Institute, 1425 Madison Avenue at East 98th Street New York, NY 10029) Course…
The Midwest Transplant Symposium will be held at Washington University in St. Louis, MO from October 13 – 15, 2023 and provide an annual review and update on kidney transplantation with workshops in immmunology and pathology. See the…
Casts form in the distal tubules and collecting ducts when either Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein or fibrin agglutinate and become molded into cylindrical structures within the tubular lumen. Cells and various substances, when present in the tubule, are incorporated into…
Amy Yau, MD Erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA) dosing is a black box of knowledge until you go into nephrology or hematology. Especially between hospitalized patients and dialysis units and outpatient clinics. Maybe this will be obsolete with HIF…
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories will be hosting the National Course for Nephrology Fellows. When: August 26– September 2, 2023Location: MDI Biological Laboratory (travel information)For: Nephrology Fellows Applications close on June 6, 2023. The course is supported by…